Anil Kumar who belonged to the Brahmin community had married the daughter of Ex-CM and then converted as a Christian. The indirect war between two Christian groups for superiority is taking a new turn. Anil is calling the heads from across the state to his office at Lotuspond, He is planning to hold back his grip again and prove the blames against him were wrong.
It has become interesting for a Christian group opposing YS Family and Anil to have stated not to go for his meeting and instead boycott Anil's family who is ruining the Christian community. TDP leaders have said that Anil is earning hundreds of crores and Vijayamma is insulting Bible and also that YS has never done any thing for christians and thus their family should be boycotted.
Anil has already sensed the threat of negativity being spread in fellow Christians by various allegations like fraudulent assets, Veerabhadra Reddy matter and land grabbing at Manikonda by TDP leaders like Somireddy, Revanth and Varla Ramaiah. As all the Christians were supporting him till date and now a negativity being sensed by Anil which is fearing him now.
It has become interesting for a Christian group opposing YS Family and Anil to have stated not to go for his meeting and instead boycott Anil's family who is ruining the Christian community. TDP leaders have said that Anil is earning hundreds of crores and Vijayamma is insulting Bible and also that YS has never done any thing for christians and thus their family should be boycotted.
Anil has already sensed the threat of negativity being spread in fellow Christians by various allegations like fraudulent assets, Veerabhadra Reddy matter and land grabbing at Manikonda by TDP leaders like Somireddy, Revanth and Varla Ramaiah. As all the Christians were supporting him till date and now a negativity being sensed by Anil which is fearing him now.