BVS Ravi is renowned in Tollywood as a talented writer. He started his film career as a dialogue writer and then tried his luck even as a director. The film 'Wanted' with Gopichand directed by Ravi was a failure at the box-office. After that he had worked back as a writer for many successful films. There was news again that he impressed Rana with a story again to direct it. Now, sources said he is also turning a producer.
Ravi is producing the film 'Second Hand' starring all new talents. Ravi who was a writer, then a director is now turned a producer. The story of the film revolves around the love and break ups. A new director Kishore Tirumala is debuting with this film. This would be a love story of two boys and a girl.
Ravi is producing the film 'Second Hand' starring all new talents. Ravi who was a writer, then a director is now turned a producer. The story of the film revolves around the love and break ups. A new director Kishore Tirumala is debuting with this film. This would be a love story of two boys and a girl.