A police case was filed on Bandla Ganesh, producer of Baadsha. It is known for the mis happening taken place yesterday at the grandly held audio launch function of Baadsha. There was a stampede at Nanakramguda Ramanaidu Cine village, the venue of the event.
In this incident Raju, a fan of NTR hailing from Urusugutta of Warangal district has died. There was a case filed u/s 304(A) on producer Ganesh and others at the Rayadurgam police station. The film unit says the stampede has happened due to the over action of the police.
Police said that due to the lack of proper arrangements they could not control the crowd. Whatever may be the reason, but the loss has happened to the family of the fan, Raju. Producer Ganesh has declared an ex gratia of Five lach rupees and NTR stated to help the family by all means.
In this incident Raju, a fan of NTR hailing from Urusugutta of Warangal district has died. There was a case filed u/s 304(A) on producer Ganesh and others at the Rayadurgam police station. The film unit says the stampede has happened due to the over action of the police.
Police said that due to the lack of proper arrangements they could not control the crowd. Whatever may be the reason, but the loss has happened to the family of the fan, Raju. Producer Ganesh has declared an ex gratia of Five lach rupees and NTR stated to help the family by all means.