TDP chief Chandra Babu Naidu’s wife Bhuvaneswari who generally does not participate in any political programmes, visited the TDP MLAs who were arrested by police and admitted to the NIMS hospital, after foiling their 4-day fast.
Accompanied by several TDP leaders, she came to the hospital on Saturday morning and enquired doctors about their health condition. She convinced the MLAs who continued their fast even in the hospital, to give it up. She told them that it was the wish of her husband that they gave up the fast and continued their fight on the power problem. Responding to her request, they gave up fast. Bhuvaneswari personally gave lime juice to Seethakka, Satyavati Rathod, Sriram Thatayya and others.
It may be recalled that the MLAs were arrested at around 1 am on Saturday and rushed to NIMS after the condition of many had deteriorated.
Accompanied by several TDP leaders, she came to the hospital on Saturday morning and enquired doctors about their health condition. She convinced the MLAs who continued their fast even in the hospital, to give it up. She told them that it was the wish of her husband that they gave up the fast and continued their fight on the power problem. Responding to her request, they gave up fast. Bhuvaneswari personally gave lime juice to Seethakka, Satyavati Rathod, Sriram Thatayya and others.
It may be recalled that the MLAs were arrested at around 1 am on Saturday and rushed to NIMS after the condition of many had deteriorated.