Latest news is that Yamla Pagla Deewana part 3 will my be go.”I think we will make the third part. I hope people like the series,” vetron actor Dharmendra said Thursday at the theatrical launch of the film.”Yamal Pagla Deewana 2” is all set to release June 7th.
Yamla Pagla Deewana 2 film directed by Sangeeth Sivan, and the sequel to the 2011 hit film, Yamla Pagla Deewana.The film features Sunny Deol, Dharmendra and Bobby Deol from the previous film along with Anupam Kher, Annu Kapoor Johnny Lever in supporting roles with Neha Sharma and Kristina Akheeva as the female leads.
Yamla Pagla Deewana 2 film directed by Sangeeth Sivan, and the sequel to the 2011 hit film, Yamla Pagla Deewana.The film features Sunny Deol, Dharmendra and Bobby Deol from the previous film along with Anupam Kher, Annu Kapoor Johnny Lever in supporting roles with Neha Sharma and Kristina Akheeva as the female leads.