Milky beauty Tamanna who has jumped from Tollywood to Bollywood is saying you can not compare her with Sridevi. When questioned why is she feeling instead of getting happier with the comparison to such a great actress, Tamanna is saying she is getting feared with that comparison. Tamanna said there is no alternative to Sridevi.
The reason behind comparing these two is that Tamanna is now playing the role played by Sridevi in the original Himmatwala. Thus are the audiences thinking of Tamanna keeping Sridevi in thoughts. But Tamanna is saying it is not right to compare her with Sridevi and rather this film would be in her style.
Tamanna with a fear of high expectations comparing her to Sridevi and getting disappointed later is cleverly saying to look at her like just Tamanna and not Sridevi. On the this Milk beauty is doing justice to all three languages Telugu, Tamil and Hindi by doing one movie in each.
The reason behind comparing these two is that Tamanna is now playing the role played by Sridevi in the original Himmatwala. Thus are the audiences thinking of Tamanna keeping Sridevi in thoughts. But Tamanna is saying it is not right to compare her with Sridevi and rather this film would be in her style.
Tamanna with a fear of high expectations comparing her to Sridevi and getting disappointed later is cleverly saying to look at her like just Tamanna and not Sridevi. On the this Milk beauty is doing justice to all three languages Telugu, Tamil and Hindi by doing one movie in each.