Rani Rudrama is the dream come true project of director Gunasekhar. The film has already attracted the attention of Tollywood and Guna is now increasing the hypes with day to day enhancements in casting. Anushka is playing the title role and Rana is paired opposite her. Anjali is roped in already for one more key role and Hamsanandini is also roped into the project.
Hamsanandini is selected for the role of princess Madhanika and now even Nathalia Kaur is roped in for playing another princess in the film. This Brazil beauty who moved her legs for an item number in Nagarjuna's on sets film 'Bhai' is opted by Gunasekhar to play the role of princess Annambika of 13th Century.
Gunasekhar had personally announced this. He said after a long scrutiny Nathalia is been finalised for the role of Annambika and she would be apt for that. Music Maestro Ilayaraja is composing tunes for the film. Guns is creating hype to the film just with its casting and the film would be soon going on to the sets.
Hamsanandini is selected for the role of princess Madhanika and now even Nathalia Kaur is roped in for playing another princess in the film. This Brazil beauty who moved her legs for an item number in Nagarjuna's on sets film 'Bhai' is opted by Gunasekhar to play the role of princess Annambika of 13th Century.
Gunasekhar had personally announced this. He said after a long scrutiny Nathalia is been finalised for the role of Annambika and she would be apt for that. Music Maestro Ilayaraja is composing tunes for the film. Guns is creating hype to the film just with its casting and the film would be soon going on to the sets.