For the first time ever Bollywood hero Sanjay Dutt has reacted on the judgement of Supreme Court that sentenced him to five years in jail in connection with 1993 Mumbai blasts case. An emotional Sanjay broke down several times while addressing media before clearing his stand on the verdict.
'I am a law abiding citizen. I have the highest respect for the Supreme Court. I will abide to all terms and conditions. I will surrender at the time given. I have not applied for any pardon', said Sanjay Dutt before breaking down. He feels that there are more people who truly deserves pardon and appealed to media to not make a debate out of 'mercy petition' as he is not applying for it. After breaking down for a couple of minutes, Sanjay says that he want to finish all his work before surrendering and spend much time with his family.
Supreme Court found Sanjay guilty for procuring arms illegally for those who are blamed for bombings in Mumbai that killed 257 people. As the actor has already spent 18 months in jail earlier, he will now undergo imprisonment of three-and-half-years. The actor has to surrender within four weeks from date of judgement (March 21), April 18th looks like the probable date.