Ramcharan, who had proven his stardom in Tollywood is attempting to prove now at the Bollywood with his debut film Zanjeer. This film being directed by Apoorva Lakhia is being released in Telugu also. There were many names heard for the Telugu version of the film till date.
News is that the name of One of Chiru's old hits is been finalised. Unit said that the title 'Jwala' one of Chiru's films is almost finalised for the film. As this Title would best suit the story and Charan's role, this may be finalised is the news.
Bollywood beauty Priyanka Chopra is the heroine in this and Srihari is doing the role of Share Khan. The film 'Jwala' was a good hit in Chiru's career then and fans are hoping that this time it would give the same to Cherry.
News is that the name of One of Chiru's old hits is been finalised. Unit said that the title 'Jwala' one of Chiru's films is almost finalised for the film. As this Title would best suit the story and Charan's role, this may be finalised is the news.
Bollywood beauty Priyanka Chopra is the heroine in this and Srihari is doing the role of Share Khan. The film 'Jwala' was a good hit in Chiru's career then and fans are hoping that this time it would give the same to Cherry.