Sizzling beauty Samantha ruled out her marriage saying she is not envisaging any wedding plans at present. Samantha whose career is on a high has films like Autonagar Surya, Sarada, Harish Shankar's project, Rabhasa and also Lingusamy's film. Samantha, Siddharth's marriage was much talked of after both were spotted together performing rituals at Srikalahasti temple.
When Siddharth went on record that he is ready for marriage, many felt that Siddharh and Samantha will tie knot soon. However Samantha who has been silent during he entire issue, decided to put an end to all these rumors fearing any delay on her part will end up media performing their marriage. Though she clarified that she is not game for marriage at present she did not speak about her closeness with Siddharth.
When Siddharth went on record that he is ready for marriage, many felt that Siddharh and Samantha will tie knot soon. However Samantha who has been silent during he entire issue, decided to put an end to all these rumors fearing any delay on her part will end up media performing their marriage. Though she clarified that she is not game for marriage at present she did not speak about her closeness with Siddharth.