Actor Venkatesh, who was last seen as 'Peddodu' in multi-starrer 'Seethamma Vakitlo Sirimalle Chettu' alongside Mahesh Babu, is on a spree of sporting new avatars. The star hero carved a niche for him with family-oriented films, has been experimenting with moustache since a longtime. Be it Karunakaran's 'Vasu' or 'Jayam Manadera' or 'Devi Putrudu' or 'Gharshana' or of late 'Shadow'.
The 'SVSC' star is all set to sport a twirled moustache in his upcoming film- Telugu remake of Hindi blockbuster 'Bol Bachchan'- where he will be seen alongside Ram Pothineni. This is not first time that Venkatesh has twirled his moustache as earlier he had sported twirled moustache in a revenge-seeking cop in Gautham Menon's action-drama 'Gharshana' and now he will repeat the look in the 'Bol Bachchan' remake while his co-star Ram looks as a clean-shaven man. Venkatesh will step into shoes of Ajay Devgn in the remake, while Ram reprises Abhishek Bachchan's role in the original.
'Venky sir will sport a twirled moustache in the film. He has already begun shooting for the film,' source close to the unit said.
Director Vijaya Bhaskar, known for churning several blockbusters, is wielding the megaphone for this yet-to-be-titled film. He earlier directed 'Nuvvu Naaku Nachav' and 'Malliswari' with Venkatesh where both were blockbusters and this is his third film with Venkatesh. Anjali, 'SVSC' pair of Venky, has been roped in opposite Venkatesh, while Shazahn Padamsee will play Ram's love interest.
The 'SVSC' star is all set to sport a twirled moustache in his upcoming film- Telugu remake of Hindi blockbuster 'Bol Bachchan'- where he will be seen alongside Ram Pothineni. This is not first time that Venkatesh has twirled his moustache as earlier he had sported twirled moustache in a revenge-seeking cop in Gautham Menon's action-drama 'Gharshana' and now he will repeat the look in the 'Bol Bachchan' remake while his co-star Ram looks as a clean-shaven man. Venkatesh will step into shoes of Ajay Devgn in the remake, while Ram reprises Abhishek Bachchan's role in the original.
'Venky sir will sport a twirled moustache in the film. He has already begun shooting for the film,' source close to the unit said.
Director Vijaya Bhaskar, known for churning several blockbusters, is wielding the megaphone for this yet-to-be-titled film. He earlier directed 'Nuvvu Naaku Nachav' and 'Malliswari' with Venkatesh where both were blockbusters and this is his third film with Venkatesh. Anjali, 'SVSC' pair of Venky, has been roped in opposite Venkatesh, while Shazahn Padamsee will play Ram's love interest.