It is known that legendary film maker Steven Spielberg is in India to celebrate the success of his film ‘Lincoln’ which was co-produced by Reliance Entertainment owned by Anil Ambani. The Ambanis had hosted a glitzy party and invited all the bigwigs of Bollywood to it.
Victory Venkatesh is the only Telugu celeb to be invited to the party. Other stars like Kamal Haasan, Prakash Raj, Sridevi, Ramesh Sippy, Anurag Kashyap, Hrithik, Karan Johar and Genelia have graced the event.
Victory Venkatesh is the only Telugu celeb to be invited to the party. Other stars like Kamal Haasan, Prakash Raj, Sridevi, Ramesh Sippy, Anurag Kashyap, Hrithik, Karan Johar and Genelia have graced the event.