Bubbly beauty Bindu Madhavi who is carving a niche for herself in Kollywood recollected when she faced the anger of her dad. She said when she suffered accident during the shoot of Kedi Billa Kiladi Ranga, she did not inform anyone. She revealed how she shot with injured hand. She stated “I had shot in pain for the movie having hurt my hand in an accident. I am anxious for the movie to do well,”
Her dad on coming to know about the incident turned furious. She says “My dad is still furious about it as I hadn’t informed my parents about the accident,”. She adds that however her dad is keen on watching the film on first day. Bindu says “But he is eager to watch the first day, first show of the movie. He never watches movies generally but makes it a point to catch every movie of mine in the theatre, even though he doesn’t understand Tamil”. She even says her dad prefers her to do Telugu films but since she is not getting any roles she is into Kollywood.
Her dad on coming to know about the incident turned furious. She says “My dad is still furious about it as I hadn’t informed my parents about the accident,”. She adds that however her dad is keen on watching the film on first day. Bindu says “But he is eager to watch the first day, first show of the movie. He never watches movies generally but makes it a point to catch every movie of mine in the theatre, even though he doesn’t understand Tamil”. She even says her dad prefers her to do Telugu films but since she is not getting any roles she is into Kollywood.