Latest news is that heroine Anjali is going to pair up with Pawan Kalyan. She has been chosen as a heroine in Gabbar Singh-2 it seems. Sampath nandi is going to direct this film. So far Kajal was chosen to pair up with Pawan Kalyan, now Anjali is going to be the second love interest of Pawan Kalyan in this film. Pawan Kalyan himself is presenting this film while his friend and close associate Sarat Maraar is going to produce this film.
All the other cast is going to be new for this film. Sampath nandi has already finished his script work. As Anjali reached Hyderabad on Friday and came in front of the media, she has to confirm this news on her new project of pairing up with Powerstar.
Tags : Anjali pairing up with Pawan Kalyan | Anjali in Gabbar Singh 2 | Actress Anjali in Gabbar Singh 2 Movie | Anjali pairing up with Pawan | Anjali pairing up with Power Star
All the other cast is going to be new for this film. Sampath nandi has already finished his script work. As Anjali reached Hyderabad on Friday and came in front of the media, she has to confirm this news on her new project of pairing up with Powerstar.
Tags : Anjali pairing up with Pawan Kalyan | Anjali in Gabbar Singh 2 | Actress Anjali in Gabbar Singh 2 Movie | Anjali pairing up with Pawan | Anjali pairing up with Power Star