SVSC beauty Anjali has been missing from her hotel room in Hyderabad city since Monday morning, post harassment havoc. And this news spreed like wild fire in media, social networking sites within no time, increasing curiosity in everyone. The latest development in this missing story is Anjali is safe but exact location where she is right now is still mystery.
However, she will come before everyone on Telugu new year (Ugadi) as a modern day girl representing present generation. Confused , we will clear the air for you folks Anjali's bilingual film staring Aarya and Hansika along with her is set to hit the Telugu screens as 'Crazy' tomorrow.
The film is a remake of Delhi Belly, produced by Aamir Khan. Kannan has directed the film in Tamil and UTV Motion Pictures has produced it. Thaman has scored the music. While the film released on 5th April in Tamil Nadu but failed to entertain movie buffs and even critics ditched it with negative reviews. Let's hope if this new controversy which bought lime light by media from couple of days might pull crowds in to cinema halls tomorrow.
However, she will come before everyone on Telugu new year (Ugadi) as a modern day girl representing present generation. Confused , we will clear the air for you folks Anjali's bilingual film staring Aarya and Hansika along with her is set to hit the Telugu screens as 'Crazy' tomorrow.
The film is a remake of Delhi Belly, produced by Aamir Khan. Kannan has directed the film in Tamil and UTV Motion Pictures has produced it. Thaman has scored the music. While the film released on 5th April in Tamil Nadu but failed to entertain movie buffs and even critics ditched it with negative reviews. Let's hope if this new controversy which bought lime light by media from couple of days might pull crowds in to cinema halls tomorrow.