Kerala beauty Asin, who entered into Tollywood with the remake of “Ghajini” has created her own mark in Tollywood, Kollywood, later she shifted to Bollywood where she got a good response to her acting. From that point onwards she is out of the offers from South completely.
Though she was part of many 100 crores collecting films, offers had dried out for Asin. Presently, she do not have any films in hand. Asin's eye is back on South again. But her wish of getting offers here could not be fulfilled.
But she still did not lose a hope in this regard. In a recent interview also, Asin said to do in Telugu if offer is given. Now, there is news that Balaiah is giving a chance to her. News is that Asin would be selected as the heroine for the film 'Ruler' of Balakrishna in the direction of Boyapati Seenu.
She acted opposite Balaiah before in Laxminarasimha movie. So, let’s wait for official announcement.
Though she was part of many 100 crores collecting films, offers had dried out for Asin. Presently, she do not have any films in hand. Asin's eye is back on South again. But her wish of getting offers here could not be fulfilled.
But she still did not lose a hope in this regard. In a recent interview also, Asin said to do in Telugu if offer is given. Now, there is news that Balaiah is giving a chance to her. News is that Asin would be selected as the heroine for the film 'Ruler' of Balakrishna in the direction of Boyapati Seenu.
She acted opposite Balaiah before in Laxminarasimha movie. So, let’s wait for official announcement.