Heroine Anjali's 'missing' news which was widespread on Tuesday has been keeping Telugu, Tamil producers and directors on tenterhooks. While Anjali continue to speculate media about her alleged missing, her brother Ravi Shankar has filed a case in Jubilee Hills police station on Tuesday evening over this whole episode alleging that her step mom Bharathi Devi.
The latest news that is out is the Jubilee Hills police have traced Anjali's call list and found that her last dialed call from her mobile phone was traced near Shamshabad. So, according to a little guess work, it is clear that Anjai flew from Shamshabad airport. 'Perhaps, she would have left to Bangalore for the shoot of Telugu remake of 'Bol Bachchan' which is scheduled to take place on Wednesday there,' told a cop who wants to be anonymous.
Now, the cops have shifted their focus to Shamshabad airport CCTV visuals and also trying to contact the producers of Telugu version of 'Bol Bachchan' whether she was in touch with them.
Tags: Actress Anjali Missing Case, Anjali last dialed call found at Shamshabad, Actress Anjali Phone calls traced, Anjali Missing
The latest news that is out is the Jubilee Hills police have traced Anjali's call list and found that her last dialed call from her mobile phone was traced near Shamshabad. So, according to a little guess work, it is clear that Anjai flew from Shamshabad airport. 'Perhaps, she would have left to Bangalore for the shoot of Telugu remake of 'Bol Bachchan' which is scheduled to take place on Wednesday there,' told a cop who wants to be anonymous.
Now, the cops have shifted their focus to Shamshabad airport CCTV visuals and also trying to contact the producers of Telugu version of 'Bol Bachchan' whether she was in touch with them.
Tags: Actress Anjali Missing Case, Anjali last dialed call found at Shamshabad, Actress Anjali Phone calls traced, Anjali Missing