Kolaveri Di Fame Dhanush’s forthcoming movie ‘Mariyaan’ directed by Bharat Bala is creating waves on the Internet especially the second teaser in which Dhanush is at peace in the waterbeds in the ocean. After watching the teaser people are becoming more and more crazy on Dhanush apart the music of A.R.Rahman is an another advantage to the movie which is making audience mad.
The audio of the movie will be released in the market on April 23rd onwards. The movie is based on real life incident where a site worker tries to escape from treacherous conditions. The movie is very much watchable and already there is good feedback from the film critics.
The audio of the movie will be released in the market on April 23rd onwards. The movie is based on real life incident where a site worker tries to escape from treacherous conditions. The movie is very much watchable and already there is good feedback from the film critics.