In a surprising incident, few badly drunken college going girls have created hulchul near Jubilee Hills checkpost in Hyderabad city last night. Only after police rushing to the scene, the situation got controlled. Check this out.
In a bid to record pub-going girls in skimpy outfits for a special program on youth, a media-house team is waiting outside Rain pub in Jubilee Hills last night. Heavily drunken young college girls have come out of the pub finally and when they are trying to get into their 'cabs', they noticed that someone is filming them on mobile phone. Miffed with the act the ladies went into a brawl with that media guy, who immediately alerted colleagues from other channels too. Razed with the presence of so many cameras, the girls have shouted at them in the filthiest language ever you expect from a woman. Only when someone called 100 to invite police, the situation got under control, and both media and girls are sent away from the scene.
Guess whom should we call 'spoiler' in this event. Undoubtedly many say that parents should keep a tab on their girls who are going heavily drunk at pubs. Secondly, our education system is lacking ethics that teach basic morals to everyone including drunken-girls and media.
Tags : Drunken Girls Hulchul In Hyderabad, Drunken Girls from Pub brawl with Media Persons, Rich Drunken Girls Hulchul at Jubilee Hills Checkpost, Drunken girls hulchul at Rain Pub
In a bid to record pub-going girls in skimpy outfits for a special program on youth, a media-house team is waiting outside Rain pub in Jubilee Hills last night. Heavily drunken young college girls have come out of the pub finally and when they are trying to get into their 'cabs', they noticed that someone is filming them on mobile phone. Miffed with the act the ladies went into a brawl with that media guy, who immediately alerted colleagues from other channels too. Razed with the presence of so many cameras, the girls have shouted at them in the filthiest language ever you expect from a woman. Only when someone called 100 to invite police, the situation got under control, and both media and girls are sent away from the scene.
Guess whom should we call 'spoiler' in this event. Undoubtedly many say that parents should keep a tab on their girls who are going heavily drunk at pubs. Secondly, our education system is lacking ethics that teach basic morals to everyone including drunken-girls and media.
Tags : Drunken Girls Hulchul In Hyderabad, Drunken Girls from Pub brawl with Media Persons, Rich Drunken Girls Hulchul at Jubilee Hills Checkpost, Drunken girls hulchul at Rain Pub