Actor Emraan Hashmi, who will be next seen paired opposite Vidya Balan in Rajkumar Gupta's Ghanchakkar, will essay the role of a Maharashtrian con-man and for the role, the actor reportedly underwent diction training so as to sound like an authentic Marathi speaker.
A source attached to the unit informed that though Emraan will not be having long-winded dialogues in Marathi in the film, he will be seen uttering Marathi words and phrases at times throughout the film. What's more, Emraan will also practice whatever Marathi he has learned by interacting with his fans in the language while promoting the film.
In Ghanchakkar, Vidya Balan will be seen playing the role of a loud Punjabi housewife. The two actors had come together in the past for The Dirty Picture.
Tags : Emraan Hashmi | Ghanchakkar
A source attached to the unit informed that though Emraan will not be having long-winded dialogues in Marathi in the film, he will be seen uttering Marathi words and phrases at times throughout the film. What's more, Emraan will also practice whatever Marathi he has learned by interacting with his fans in the language while promoting the film.
In Ghanchakkar, Vidya Balan will be seen playing the role of a loud Punjabi housewife. The two actors had come together in the past for The Dirty Picture.
Tags : Emraan Hashmi | Ghanchakkar