The buzz from Tollywood scuttlebutt machinery goes that the action choreographers duo Ram – Lakshman will very soon don the director’s hat. The duo reportedly narrated a story to Victory Venkatesh and the actor seem to be very impressed with it. The duo will now fine tune the script and narrate the final version to the actor. And the reaction then will seal the final confirmation. If everything goes well, the movie will go on to sets in the end of the year.
Victory Venkatesh’s Shadow is all set for release this summer and the actor is busy shooting for his other film which is a remake of superhit Bollywood movie, Bol Bachchan. Vijay Bhaskar is directing it.
Victory Venkatesh’s Shadow is all set for release this summer and the actor is busy shooting for his other film which is a remake of superhit Bollywood movie, Bol Bachchan. Vijay Bhaskar is directing it.