Anjali, the talented and beautiful actress, who shot to fame in Tollywood with Seetamma Vakitlo Sirimalle Chettu has been in news for wrong reasons. Anjali's missing case later turned out to be a family issue and further took a turn to end up as a love story. As per police officials Anjali went into hiding with her doctor boyfriend, whom she may marry sooner or later. However, Anjali's sudden disappearance has put few films shooting schedules in trouble.
Venkatesh, Ram starrer, Bol Bachchan Telugu remake has been hit by Anjali's missing case. She was supposed to report to the shooting on Wednesday morning at Bangalore, but the actress never showed up or didn't even call the producers about her absence. This has upset the schedule and the producers are in a spot of bother now. Suresh Babu is one of the producers of this film and he doesn't like to take chances.
As per reports, Anjali might be replaced by some other heroine in this film. Not many scenes were canned on Anjali yet so they wanted to scrap all that and re shoot those scenes. However, official announcement regarding Anjali's replacement is yet to come. Now it will be a tough task for the makers to find a suitable actress for the role as she has to play Venkatesh's pair as well as Ram's sister in the movie. Anjali was the perfect choice, but now she is giving nightmares to the producers with her irresponsible behavior.
Tags : Anjali to be replaced in venkatesh Bol Bachchan Remake, Anjali may be replaced in Venkatesh Ram Bol bachchan Remake, Anjali Missing Case affect on Venkatesh Bol Bachchan remake
Venkatesh, Ram starrer, Bol Bachchan Telugu remake has been hit by Anjali's missing case. She was supposed to report to the shooting on Wednesday morning at Bangalore, but the actress never showed up or didn't even call the producers about her absence. This has upset the schedule and the producers are in a spot of bother now. Suresh Babu is one of the producers of this film and he doesn't like to take chances.
As per reports, Anjali might be replaced by some other heroine in this film. Not many scenes were canned on Anjali yet so they wanted to scrap all that and re shoot those scenes. However, official announcement regarding Anjali's replacement is yet to come. Now it will be a tough task for the makers to find a suitable actress for the role as she has to play Venkatesh's pair as well as Ram's sister in the movie. Anjali was the perfect choice, but now she is giving nightmares to the producers with her irresponsible behavior.
Tags : Anjali to be replaced in venkatesh Bol Bachchan Remake, Anjali may be replaced in Venkatesh Ram Bol bachchan Remake, Anjali Missing Case affect on Venkatesh Bol Bachchan remake