Prakash Raj’s recent production ‘Gouravam’ is causing new headaches for the actor cum producer. He is reportedly getting threatening calls from unknown persons regarding this movie. It is known that Gounder community, a powerful community raised objections on the movie as intended to hurt the sentiments of their community. The movie marks the debut of Allu Sirish both in Telugu and Tamil.
The makers of Gouravam are planning to release the movie on April 19th. The movie is being directed by Radha Mohan and produced by Prakash Raj. Yami Gautam is staring opposite Sirish. This film is simultaneously being made in Telugu and Tamil. Sirish’s father Allu Aravind will be releasing the movie in Andhra Pradesh. Story was written by B.V.S.Raju. Soundtrack was composed by Thaman.
The makers of Gouravam are planning to release the movie on April 19th. The movie is being directed by Radha Mohan and produced by Prakash Raj. Yami Gautam is staring opposite Sirish. This film is simultaneously being made in Telugu and Tamil. Sirish’s father Allu Aravind will be releasing the movie in Andhra Pradesh. Story was written by B.V.S.Raju. Soundtrack was composed by Thaman.