Hamsa Nandini, who made her debut in Vamsi’s film ‘Anumanaspadam’ failed to get a break as heroine. She recently sizzled in the title song of ‘Mirchi’ with Prabhas as hero. She reportedly shook her legs with Nagarjuna for his latest film ‘Bhai’. This opportunity is something like a dream come true for this hot actress.
The shooting ‘Bhai’ is in progress at Annapurna Studios, where some wedding scenes are being shot. Richa Gangopadhyay is playing the female lead opposite Nagarjuna in this film. Directed by Veerabhadram Chowdary Bhai is being produced by Nagarjuna himself on the banner of Annapurna Studios. Devi Sri Prasad is scoring melodious tunes for the flick. Stay glued to this space for more information on Nag’s films.
The shooting ‘Bhai’ is in progress at Annapurna Studios, where some wedding scenes are being shot. Richa Gangopadhyay is playing the female lead opposite Nagarjuna in this film. Directed by Veerabhadram Chowdary Bhai is being produced by Nagarjuna himself on the banner of Annapurna Studios. Devi Sri Prasad is scoring melodious tunes for the flick. Stay glued to this space for more information on Nag’s films.