Stylish Star Allu Arjun toured the cities Vijayawada, Kakinada and Vizag on 20th April to launch special offers to the consumers on account of 'Akshaya Truteeya' in 'Joy Alukkas' showrooms of respective cities. He received a warm welcome from his fans in all the cities and huge number of people thronged to see him. He reportedly revealed in Vizag that the audio launch of 'Iddarammayilatho' would be held in Vizag itself. So, it is going to be a great news for Bunny's fans of the city. Meanwhile, the release date of the movie has recently been confirmed as 24th of May. However, this date further might get postponed to 31st May.
Dusky beauty Amala Paul and Catherine have romanced with allu arjun in this action and romantic entertainer. Devi Sri Prasad has scored the music of the film. The movie was directed by maverick director Puri Jagannadh. Bandla Ganesh Babu is producing this movie on Parameswara Art Productions.
Dusky beauty Amala Paul and Catherine have romanced with allu arjun in this action and romantic entertainer. Devi Sri Prasad has scored the music of the film. The movie was directed by maverick director Puri Jagannadh. Bandla Ganesh Babu is producing this movie on Parameswara Art Productions.