Buzz is that actor Vidya Balan who married UTV chief Siddharth Roy Kapur four months ago is considering tacking on her husband's last names to her own. According to a leading daily, a member of Vidya's team has revealed at a party that the ‘The Dirty Picture’ actor is thinking of changing her screen name to Vidya Balan Roy Kapur. Not bad Vidya!!!
A source told the daily, "The other guests got excited and started inquiring. The team member continued talking without realising others were listening in as well." "In fact, all of them told the team member to congratulate Vidya for her decision on their behalf," added the source. Vidya, who will be seen in Raj Kumar Gupta's upcoming film Ghanchakkar with Emraan Hashmi might be seen with her new name!
Hope your new name proves to be lucky for your film…!
A source told the daily, "The other guests got excited and started inquiring. The team member continued talking without realising others were listening in as well." "In fact, all of them told the team member to congratulate Vidya for her decision on their behalf," added the source. Vidya, who will be seen in Raj Kumar Gupta's upcoming film Ghanchakkar with Emraan Hashmi might be seen with her new name!
Hope your new name proves to be lucky for your film…!