In a bid to create more divide between the people of Andhra Pradesh on regional lines, TRS boss K Chandrasekhar Rao is busy spitting venom. He is making the allocation of Bayyaram mines exploration to Vizag Steel Plant a big issue, which is not really worth of talking about.
KCR alleged that 'Bayyaram Ukku (iron) Telangana Hakku' and started his campaign of hatred again saying Andhra based steel-plant is exploiting Telangana resources. When Congress high-command sought clarity over this issue, it is heard that CM Kiran stated that KCR is spitting venom only to spit people for his party's benefit. His explanation is like this, if reports are to be believed.
'KCR has forgotten the fact that none from Andhra region or Rayalaseema region is having a share in Vizag Steel plant, which is a property of Central Government. Also, these 'mines' are properties of Nation, but not the properties of a region and a town or a political party. Also, the Geological survey of India has not ranked the quality of ore at Bayyaram mines, ranging from I to V, which indicates that the processing of this ore is not quite profitable. Maybe an ore-purifying plant can be built near Khammam, but not a complete steel-plant and no steel-plants in India are built nearby ores. Because to build a steel-plant, we need lot of transportation connectivity, including a sea-port for easy export. After building a steel-plant in Khammam, we cannot demand a sea-pot to be built there. It is like bringing sea-shore to Hyderabad city.
Well, that sound more intelligent and intellect reply for KCR, but we have to see how the pink-party responds on it.
KCR alleged that 'Bayyaram Ukku (iron) Telangana Hakku' and started his campaign of hatred again saying Andhra based steel-plant is exploiting Telangana resources. When Congress high-command sought clarity over this issue, it is heard that CM Kiran stated that KCR is spitting venom only to spit people for his party's benefit. His explanation is like this, if reports are to be believed.
'KCR has forgotten the fact that none from Andhra region or Rayalaseema region is having a share in Vizag Steel plant, which is a property of Central Government. Also, these 'mines' are properties of Nation, but not the properties of a region and a town or a political party. Also, the Geological survey of India has not ranked the quality of ore at Bayyaram mines, ranging from I to V, which indicates that the processing of this ore is not quite profitable. Maybe an ore-purifying plant can be built near Khammam, but not a complete steel-plant and no steel-plants in India are built nearby ores. Because to build a steel-plant, we need lot of transportation connectivity, including a sea-port for easy export. After building a steel-plant in Khammam, we cannot demand a sea-pot to be built there. It is like bringing sea-shore to Hyderabad city.
Well, that sound more intelligent and intellect reply for KCR, but we have to see how the pink-party responds on it.