CBI has named Home Minister Sabitha Indra Reddy as Accused No.4 in their latest chargesheet in Jagan's illegal assets case. Our CM want to address this issue too like the way he tackled Minister Dharmana's arrest issue.
CM Kiran has earlier Minister Dharmana Prasada Rao by not allowing CBI to prosecute him. It is heard that even in Sabitha's case he wants to continue the same principle. PCC Chief Botsa Satyanarayana revealed that Sabitha is thinking of resigning for the minister post as it is unethical to continue in power even after CBI naming her in Charge sheet. However things changed after CM's intervention into the scene and latest update is that Sabitha will attend court whenever CBI calls her but CM will not allow CBI to arrest her.
By not allowing Sabitha Indra Reddy, it looks clear that the secret intention behind the whole scene is to weaken the CBI's case against Jagan. If Ministers are saved, then whatever deeds done by them are not false, which implies that whatever things associated with Jagan are not false. Then Jagan could walk freely off jail and support Congress in 2014 elections.
CM Kiran has earlier Minister Dharmana Prasada Rao by not allowing CBI to prosecute him. It is heard that even in Sabitha's case he wants to continue the same principle. PCC Chief Botsa Satyanarayana revealed that Sabitha is thinking of resigning for the minister post as it is unethical to continue in power even after CBI naming her in Charge sheet. However things changed after CM's intervention into the scene and latest update is that Sabitha will attend court whenever CBI calls her but CM will not allow CBI to arrest her.
By not allowing Sabitha Indra Reddy, it looks clear that the secret intention behind the whole scene is to weaken the CBI's case against Jagan. If Ministers are saved, then whatever deeds done by them are not false, which implies that whatever things associated with Jagan are not false. Then Jagan could walk freely off jail and support Congress in 2014 elections.