Priya Anand who debuted with Leader in Tollywood went on to feature in Raam Rama Krishna Krishna, 180, Ko Ante Koti. She even shared screen presence with Sridevi in English Vinglish.
Priya Anand who aspired to become Shankar's assistant director before turning heroine says kissing is no big thing saying "I've already done intimate scenes in Nootrenbadhu and Ko Ante Koti. I've locked lips in both the films. But the scenes are always aesthetically shot.
Thankfully, no one's pointed a finger at me and said I look vulgar while doing the scenes. I don't have a problem in acting in intimate scenes as long as it goes with the story and doesn't look forced".
Priya Anand who aspired to become Shankar's assistant director before turning heroine says kissing is no big thing saying "I've already done intimate scenes in Nootrenbadhu and Ko Ante Koti. I've locked lips in both the films. But the scenes are always aesthetically shot.
Thankfully, no one's pointed a finger at me and said I look vulgar while doing the scenes. I don't have a problem in acting in intimate scenes as long as it goes with the story and doesn't look forced".