Rajinikanth is a bigger brand in Telugu as in Tamil. His last movie Robo had created a whirlwind at AP box office. And the heat is on for his next movie, Kochadaiyaan too. Reports suggest that R.Subrahmanyam who is famous as buyer of several dubbing movies had reportedly bagged the Telugu rights of the movie for a whopping 30 Crore rupees. This is the highest price for any dubbing movie.
Kochadaiyaan is the first movie in Asia to use motion capturing which previously used for other films like “Avatar” and “Tintin”. Directed by Soundarya Rajinikanth features in the movie and movie star cast includes Deepika Padukone, Shobana, Sarath Kumar Jackie Shroff and others. A. R. Rahman scored the music. Eros International and Mediaone Global Entertainment jointly producing this heavy budget film.
Kochadaiyaan is the first movie in Asia to use motion capturing which previously used for other films like “Avatar” and “Tintin”. Directed by Soundarya Rajinikanth features in the movie and movie star cast includes Deepika Padukone, Shobana, Sarath Kumar Jackie Shroff and others. A. R. Rahman scored the music. Eros International and Mediaone Global Entertainment jointly producing this heavy budget film.