Gone are the days when Friday was considered auspicious by filmmakers who would release their films on the day, the day that marks the end of a working week. With Yash Raj Films and Salman Khan changing the game by releasing Ek Tha Tiger on a weekday (August 15), just before a long Eid weekend and the same banner releasing Jab Tak Hai Jaan on Tuesday, November 13, it seems filmmakers no longer favour the age-old rule of releasing films only on Fridays.
Creative genius director Rakesh Roshan has taken the prized Diwali release to the next level. Moving away from the traditional Friday screening, he has decided to release "Krrish 3" on Sunday, Nov 3, which is Diwali. Confirming the development Roshan said, "Nov 3 is an auspicious day, so we are releasing Krrish 3 on Diwali. " The film also stars Priyanka Chopra, Kangna Ranaut and Vivek Oberoi playing key roles.
Considering how high expectations are of the third part of the Hrithik Roshan-starrer, this strategy could result in all BO records being broken, especially with the trade already giving an enthusiastic thumbs up to Rakesh Roshan’s decision.
Creative genius director Rakesh Roshan has taken the prized Diwali release to the next level. Moving away from the traditional Friday screening, he has decided to release "Krrish 3" on Sunday, Nov 3, which is Diwali. Confirming the development Roshan said, "Nov 3 is an auspicious day, so we are releasing Krrish 3 on Diwali. " The film also stars Priyanka Chopra, Kangna Ranaut and Vivek Oberoi playing key roles.
Considering how high expectations are of the third part of the Hrithik Roshan-starrer, this strategy could result in all BO records being broken, especially with the trade already giving an enthusiastic thumbs up to Rakesh Roshan’s decision.