Madhuri Dixit-Nene, who is currently shooting for Dedh Ishqiya with Arshad Warsi, Naseeruddin Shah and Huma Qureshi, and Soumik Sen's Gulab Gang, is planning to take the day off to celebrate Gudi Padwa with her family. Sources reveal that most of the action sequences of her upcoming film have been shot and considering it is Gudi Padwa, it is obvious that Madhuri wants to spend the day at home with her family.
Sources add that Madhuri's father has not been too well and that she plans to spend some quality time with him.
Tags : Madhuri Dixit | Gulab Gang | Dedh Ishqiya
Sources add that Madhuri's father has not been too well and that she plans to spend some quality time with him.
Tags : Madhuri Dixit | Gulab Gang | Dedh Ishqiya