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  • Breaking News

    Thursday, 25 April 2013

    Mohanbabu's new business

    Mohan Babu Gandharva Mahal, Mohan Babu Business on Gandharva Mahal, Manchu Family Starts New Business on Gandharva Mahal, Manchu Mohan Babu, Manchu Lakshmi Priya
    Mohan Babu and his daughter Lakshmi Manchu jointly produced film “Uu Kodathara? Ulikki Padathara?” which was a box-ofice dud. Huge loss has been incurred for the Manchu production house.

    Gandharva Mahal set was erected for this film and almost the entire shooting of the film was canned in the set only. Mohan Babu is trying to recover his loss through set only.

    Till now Gandharva Mahal set is being used for movie shootings and audio release events. Now the latest reports state that, Mohan Babu is thinking of new strategy of making business. News is that this Mahal is opened for marriages, receptions and other events too. A fanatical website was
    launched to facilitate openings in the Mahal. Recently the ad is also placed in media that if you are interested in a royal wedding in Nizam style, please log on to www.gandharvamahal.com and book the Mahal for your special day. Stay tuned for more exciting news.

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