Nagarjuna always stands first in the row to welcome the new comers. He is given chances to many new directors and technicians till date and is still continuing his tradition. He is presently doing the huge film Bhai with the just entered new director Veerabhadram Chowdary. News is that he is now given a chance to yet another new director. It is heard that Nag is given a green signal to the story narrated by the upcoming director Vegnesa Sateesh.
Sateesh is worked as a writer to the recent block buster film Gabbar Singh. As the story writer and dialogue write he definitely holds a strong role in the success of film Gabbar Singh undoubtedly. Vegnesa Sateesh had before done some small films and is now bagged the golden opportunity to direct a star hero like Nagarjuna. News is that this film to be produced by Cinematographer S Gopal Reddy would go on to the sets once Nagarjuna’s Bhai film is done with.
Sateesh is worked as a writer to the recent block buster film Gabbar Singh. As the story writer and dialogue write he definitely holds a strong role in the success of film Gabbar Singh undoubtedly. Vegnesa Sateesh had before done some small films and is now bagged the golden opportunity to direct a star hero like Nagarjuna. News is that this film to be produced by Cinematographer S Gopal Reddy would go on to the sets once Nagarjuna’s Bhai film is done with.