Neha Dhupia may be known to Tollywood viewers for those who watched Natasimha Balakrishna's Pramaveera Chakra. In the film she shocked all in swim suit. She even starred in Tarun's Ninne Ishtapaddaru and Rajesekhar's Villain earlier. Her acts may be new to Tollywood but her explosions are continuing in Bollywood for over many years.
Neha says she got married many times as a heroine in most of the films, every two months. She says even in her real life media writes many stories on her linkups and even performed marriages. She says however her marriage in rael life will not be grandiose as she don't like. She says she prefers simple marriage.
Neha says she got married many times as a heroine in most of the films, every two months. She says even in her real life media writes many stories on her linkups and even performed marriages. She says however her marriage in rael life will not be grandiose as she don't like. She says she prefers simple marriage.