Nikesha Patel who made her debut opposite Pawan Kalyan in Puli disappeared in to horizon after the movie’s failure. Later she became busy in Kannada industry. Currently, she is starring beside Kalyan Ram in OM. The movie shooting is complete and is awaiting release. And now she had bagged one more chance in Telugu. Producer cum director MS Raju is making a movie titled RUM – Rambha, Urvasi, Menaka.
And now we hear that she is getting even busier in Tamil. “Signed my third tamil film And even my first Tamil film not released,” she posted on Twitter. Last year, there was news that she’s going to star opposite Shanthanu Bhagyaraj in an untitled Tamil film and later on she signed another film in Ramesh Selvam’s direction. More details about her new project will be revealed soon.
And now we hear that she is getting even busier in Tamil. “Signed my third tamil film And even my first Tamil film not released,” she posted on Twitter. Last year, there was news that she’s going to star opposite Shanthanu Bhagyaraj in an untitled Tamil film and later on she signed another film in Ramesh Selvam’s direction. More details about her new project will be revealed soon.