Ram Charan launched his close buddy Chef Inam's Steak House restaurant at Road No.12 in Banjara Hills, Hyderabad. He agreed to interact with the mediapersons for a brief period, but the journos had deliberately moved away from the food chain topic to films and personal life of the actor. The actor gave a fitting replay to the TRP craving media in his style.
Q) Zanjeer update
Charan) No, we will talk about Zanjeer later. Talk about food now.
Q) Upasana revealed that both of you were not able to spend much time together due to your busy shooting schedules. What do you say?
Charan) That's correct. Next...
Q) Upasana told she has been missing you very much.
Charan) That's correct. What can I do? Should I stop films and stay at home? That's impossible. If there is any possibility, she will come to my shootings. She is also a working woman. So, it's difficult.
To a questioned asked by a lady journo whether Marrying a working woman is an advantage or disadvantage, Charan replied,"It's definitely an advantage, nothing is disadvantage" and immediately enquired with her 'How are you doing?' (being a working woman) and she replied,"Ya, I'm doing fine".
In the end, Ram Charan appealed to the people to come and try the new cuisine at Steak House, which is a healthy menu and everything you eat is calorie count.
Tags : Ram Charan satires on Journo at Steak House Launch, Ram Charan Interview, Ram Charan quick reply to lady Journo
Q) Zanjeer update
Charan) No, we will talk about Zanjeer later. Talk about food now.
Q) Upasana revealed that both of you were not able to spend much time together due to your busy shooting schedules. What do you say?
Charan) That's correct. Next...
Q) Upasana told she has been missing you very much.
Charan) That's correct. What can I do? Should I stop films and stay at home? That's impossible. If there is any possibility, she will come to my shootings. She is also a working woman. So, it's difficult.
To a questioned asked by a lady journo whether Marrying a working woman is an advantage or disadvantage, Charan replied,"It's definitely an advantage, nothing is disadvantage" and immediately enquired with her 'How are you doing?' (being a working woman) and she replied,"Ya, I'm doing fine".
In the end, Ram Charan appealed to the people to come and try the new cuisine at Steak House, which is a healthy menu and everything you eat is calorie count.
Tags : Ram Charan satires on Journo at Steak House Launch, Ram Charan Interview, Ram Charan quick reply to lady Journo