The First look poster of Young Tiger NTR’s Ramayya Vasthavayya was released yesterday. The response for the movie title and NTR’s look is mind blowing. The styling of the actor, costumes had gone well with fans and audience. As a result, the expectations are soaring on this movie which is being planned for August 9th release.
Thaman is composing tunes for this movie. Dil Raju will be producing the movie under his Sri Venkateswara films banner. Samantha is going to romance NTR for the second time after Brindavanam. Shruti Hassan is playing a crucial role. Chota K Naidu is handling the cinematography.
Baadshah NTR's Official Page
Thaman is composing tunes for this movie. Dil Raju will be producing the movie under his Sri Venkateswara films banner. Samantha is going to romance NTR for the second time after Brindavanam. Shruti Hassan is playing a crucial role. Chota K Naidu is handling the cinematography.
Baadshah NTR's Official Page