Mega Power star Ram Charan’s Naayak came for Sankaranthi, fans enjoyed a lot. And they are expecting Zanjeer/Toofan to come in Summer to enjoy. But the latest buzz is that Zanjeer/Thoofan may not release and it will be pushed to July or August Due to unexpected reasons. The makers want more time for proper propaganda, this is one of the reasons. The film directed and produced by Apoorva Lakhia, shot simultaneously in Hindi and Telugu.
And ‘Yevadu’ starring Megapower star Ram Charan, Sruthi Hassan and Amy Jackson may be pushed to July release directed by Vamsi .Dil Raju is producing the film. Allu Arjun and Kajal will be seen in two guest roles.
so, lets wait for sometime for the official announcement of the film releases.
And ‘Yevadu’ starring Megapower star Ram Charan, Sruthi Hassan and Amy Jackson may be pushed to July release directed by Vamsi .Dil Raju is producing the film. Allu Arjun and Kajal will be seen in two guest roles.
so, lets wait for sometime for the official announcement of the film releases.