Mass Maharaja of Tollywood Ravi Teja struggling hard to deliver a hit from a long time. His last film 'Sarochaaru' was a flop and to be frank post 'Mirapakaay' there is no hit in his kitty. Ravi Teja is gearing up with his next film 'Balupu', which will be released next month. This film is an action entertainer, with Shruthi Haasan and Anjali as female leads and Gopichand Malineni is directing it.
After this film, Ravi Teja has two interesting movies in the pipeline. The first one is the remake of Bollywood hit 'Oh My God', which had Akshay Kumar and Paresh Rawal in the lead roles. In Telugu Ravi Teja and probably senior Naresh will be seen as the corresponding characters.
And further the interesting one is a bilingual film in the direction of Kamal Haasan and in this Ravi Teja will share the screen along with Rishi Kapoor, Mohan Lal and Kamal Haasan. This film will be releasing in Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam and Hindi. More updates of these two new projects will be revealed soon. Let's hope that Mass Maharaja will be back to hit track soon.
After this film, Ravi Teja has two interesting movies in the pipeline. The first one is the remake of Bollywood hit 'Oh My God', which had Akshay Kumar and Paresh Rawal in the lead roles. In Telugu Ravi Teja and probably senior Naresh will be seen as the corresponding characters.
And further the interesting one is a bilingual film in the direction of Kamal Haasan and in this Ravi Teja will share the screen along with Rishi Kapoor, Mohan Lal and Kamal Haasan. This film will be releasing in Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam and Hindi. More updates of these two new projects will be revealed soon. Let's hope that Mass Maharaja will be back to hit track soon.