Mumbai: The Andheri court on Monday issued a non-bailable warrant against Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt who has already been awarded five years of jail in connection to 1993 Mumbai bomb blast. This time he has been charged with threatening producer Shakeel Noorani.
Back in 2002, Sanjay had signed a film with Noorani but later called it off due to some unknown reasons. When the actor was asked to compensate the loss, he allegedly used his underworld connections to scare the producer.
A lower court had issued notice to Dutt for his appearence in court, but he did not care to turn up. Hence, Mumbai court has now issued a non-bailable warrant against him.
Dutt is already due to surrender before Supreme Court for possession of illegal arms and the latest case has just added to his miseries.
Back in 2002, Sanjay had signed a film with Noorani but later called it off due to some unknown reasons. When the actor was asked to compensate the loss, he allegedly used his underworld connections to scare the producer.
A lower court had issued notice to Dutt for his appearence in court, but he did not care to turn up. Hence, Mumbai court has now issued a non-bailable warrant against him.
Dutt is already due to surrender before Supreme Court for possession of illegal arms and the latest case has just added to his miseries.