Victory Venkatesh’s stylish entertainer movie, Shadow had completed its shooting part and is currently in post-production phase. The looks of Venkatesh and glamour of Tapsee in the trailers had created a bit of interest on the movie. The movie which is being planned for April 11th on the occasion of Ugadi festival is now postponed to 26th of this month. Finance problems are reportedly the reason for this postponement.
‘Billa’ and ‘ Shakti’ fame Meher Ramesh is directing the movie. Tapsee is playing the love interest of Venky. Srikanth and Madhurima will be seen in important roles. Paruchuri Kireeti is producing the movie on United Square movies banner. SS Thaman is rendering the music.
‘Billa’ and ‘ Shakti’ fame Meher Ramesh is directing the movie. Tapsee is playing the love interest of Venky. Srikanth and Madhurima will be seen in important roles. Paruchuri Kireeti is producing the movie on United Square movies banner. SS Thaman is rendering the music.