The Tamil actors led by actors association , Nadigar Sangam chief Sarath Kumar had organized a one-day fast today today at Nadigar Sangam premises in Chennai. The Tamil film industry going for a fast today to voice their opinions against the central government newly imposed 12.3% service tax on film artistes who earn more than Rs 10 lakhs per annum. Superstar Rajinikanth too has joined other actors on a hunger strike to show solidarity with Lankan Tamils.
Prakash Raj has tweeted minutes back as Participating in the hunger strike organised by actors association against the atrocities in Sri Lanka. Support us . As the mercury touches 32 degrees in Chennai heat, the stars are protesting under a large shamiana put up at the South Indian Film Artistes Association.
Among the actors present are Ajith, Suriya, Dhanush, Karthi, Prakash Raj, Prabhu, Sathyaraj, Sivakumar, Vishal, Arya, Udhayanidhi Stalin, Jiiva and many others. Kamal Haasan is expected any moment. Vijay who is shooting in Australia had sent a regret letter stating that he could not make it which was read out. A lot of others will be joining in as the day progresses.
Prakash Raj has tweeted minutes back as Participating in the hunger strike organised by actors association against the atrocities in Sri Lanka. Support us . As the mercury touches 32 degrees in Chennai heat, the stars are protesting under a large shamiana put up at the South Indian Film Artistes Association.
Among the actors present are Ajith, Suriya, Dhanush, Karthi, Prakash Raj, Prabhu, Sathyaraj, Sivakumar, Vishal, Arya, Udhayanidhi Stalin, Jiiva and many others. Kamal Haasan is expected any moment. Vijay who is shooting in Australia had sent a regret letter stating that he could not make it which was read out. A lot of others will be joining in as the day progresses.