Puri Jagannath who always prefers to make the stories in overseas is currently staying in Park Hayath hotel in Rajbhavan Road, Hyderabad. Currently Puri is doing three films and in one of the films, he selected Tamanna who is looking for a lift after her flop show at Bollywood with ‘Himmathwala’. He is saying that flop won’t go into the account of Tamanna, only the film got flopped at Box-Office and Tamanna has delivered good performance in the film. Puri is giving full back up to Tamanna like this.
According to reports he is renovating his office Vaishno Academy and so he shifted his premises to the hotel. Puri says contractor informed him it would take till December to complete work but may take more time and till that time, he will stay in the hotel. The hotel is belonging to MP and industrialist Subbarami Reddy's and the buzz is he is offering great packages to film stars.
According to reports he is renovating his office Vaishno Academy and so he shifted his premises to the hotel. Puri says contractor informed him it would take till December to complete work but may take more time and till that time, he will stay in the hotel. The hotel is belonging to MP and industrialist Subbarami Reddy's and the buzz is he is offering great packages to film stars.