Indo-Canadian porn star turned actress Sunny Leone, who made her Bollywood debut with Jism 2, will be next seen sizzling on the silver screen with her item number Laila in Shootout At Wadala and Balaji boy Tusshar Kapoor claims that he is responsible for this development.
In an interview, Tusshar was quoted saying that he was the one who persuaded and convinced producer Ekta Kapoor and director Sanjay Gupta to bring Leone on board for the item song as he could not imagine anyone else performing the number. Tusshar said that he was completely blown away by her talent and dedication and added that she is the most dedicated actress he has ever seen.
Based on the book 'Dongri To Dubai', Shootout At Wadala dramatises the first ever recorded encounter in the history of the Mumbai Police.
In an interview, Tusshar was quoted saying that he was the one who persuaded and convinced producer Ekta Kapoor and director Sanjay Gupta to bring Leone on board for the item song as he could not imagine anyone else performing the number. Tusshar said that he was completely blown away by her talent and dedication and added that she is the most dedicated actress he has ever seen.
Based on the book 'Dongri To Dubai', Shootout At Wadala dramatises the first ever recorded encounter in the history of the Mumbai Police.