Allari Naresh is all set to team up with director E Satti Babu for the fourth time in his career. The duo had earlier teamed up for Nenu, Betting Bangarraju and Yamudiki Mogudu, which release in December, 2012. Now, they are gearing up for yet another comedy film and buzz is that ‘Jump Jilani’ is the title under consideration. Ambica Krishna is going to produce the film. More details about will be announced soon.
Meanwhile, Allari Naresh has couple of films lined up for release later this summer and one of them Action 3D is making quite a lot of buzz. Directed by Anil Sunkara, the film is a full length comedy film which narrates a story of a group of friends who go on a road trip. The other film Kevvu Keka is also slated for release shortly.