If Sachin Tendulkar visits Powerstar's latest movie set, then they will say Sachin is acting in Pawan's movie. If Powerstar reads a Telugu literature book, then they say Pawan is writing a new story script. And now Pawan has visited a gym in Bangalore, so here comes the six pack talk.
From the moment Powerstar Pawan Kalyan has visited a popular gym in suburbs of Bangalore, rumours are rife that he is going to sport a six pack body in his upcoming flick. In the first place, can Pawan dare to workout hard for achieving a six pack body is the big question? Because we have seen the likes of Mahesh, Prabhas and even Nitin who lost a glow on their face after hitting gym for six-pack. If Pawan starts working out from now, no doubt he too will lose that handsomeness in the coming days. Are fans ready to accept Powerstar with a worn-out face and six pack body is the second question?
Maybe if Pawan wants to deliver something like a six-pack, it is better to do that when he is taking break after completion of a film. That too he should hire some trainer like Mahesh did and achieve it under supervision, rather costing glow on his face.