Allari Naresh's latest movie 'Action 3D' is going to be treat for Telugu audiences who still like to see the vigour of 80s and 90s of Tollywood. After paying tributes to K Raghavendra Rao in one song, here is another interesting piece by our comedy hero for Telugu audiences.
That famous 'Swathi Muthyapu Jallulu' song that got Nagarjuna and Amala in the lead is being remixed by Allari Naresh now. Though the sound and music of the song remain unaltered, Naresh is giving a huge visual feast for movie lovers. The romantic compositions shot on Naresh and ravishing hot Neelam Upadhyay are so tempting and teasing. Slow motion sequences shot on Phantom Flex high-speed camera are simply amazing. Water splashes on heroine's hot curves are shown in most aesthetic way to make this golden song another golden hit. Right now social network is getting clogged with discussions about this song.
'Action 3D' is going to be the first ever stereoscopic 3D film produced by India. Let us hold excitement to catch this flick in theatres and watch it with 3D glasses.