Hyderabad, May 8: Angered by the admission of his long-time rival Dadi Veerabhadra Rao into the YSR Congress, former minister Konatala Rama Krishna is preparing to show his strength to the party chief Y S Jaganmohan Reddy and the honorary president Vijayamma.
It is learnt Rama Krishna called his main followers and party workers to Hyderabad on Thursday. He is learnt to be planning to take a massive delegation of party workers to Vijayamma and make them tell her about the dangers that faced the party with the entry of Dadi. He appears to be keen on announcing his decision by Thursday evening, depending on the response of Vijayamma.
He once again made it clear there was no chance of his working with Dadi and alleged that his politics were mean. He said he told Jagan what he ought to and added he would take a decision on his future course of action soon.
Jagan party angry on media
Meanwhile, the YSR Congress expressed anger at the media for what it called making a mountain out of a mole hill in the Konatala episode. Speaking to the media here on Wednesday, party MLA Shobha Nagi Reddy said there was no dispute at all in the party. She said all the party leaders were united. She expressed confidence that the YSR Congress would come to power in 2014 and asserted that both Congress and the TDP would be trounced.