It is known that Kajal Agarwal was dropped from 'Gabbar Singh 2' after she quoted hefty pay package for playing the leading lady in the sequel. The makers who were in search of replacement since few days seems to have finally zeroed an actress to romance Pawan Kalyan.
As per the reliable sources, Samantha is under consideration to play the female lead in 'Gabbar Singh 2' which will be directed by Sampath Nandi of Racha fame. If this is true, the beauty will pairing opposite Pawan in back-to-back films and she will be the first actress to do so.
The only factors that might go against the cast of Samantha will be the call sheets of this busy bee and the thing that how would audience react if a same heroine romances Pawan repeatedly without a certain gap.
Pawan Kalyan and Samantha are playing the lead in Trivikram's upcoming film which is expected to hit the screens in August this year. The shoot of Sampath Nandi's film would begin from July and it will be most probably releasing on May 11th next year, the same day on which Gabbar Singh took away Box Office by thunder.